Patch Notes 0.7.2 - Discover, New Login and History Request

Today we are rolling out some cool stuff to our beta testers. Here are the patch notes for v. 0.7.2:

  • Discover - You can now discover new Fluxi for you dashboard from our curated suggestions. This is a veeeery rough sketch of how we intend to suggest content (we've got to start somewhere, right?).
  • New Login - Now you can use "Remember Me" to avoid having to type your password every time you open the app. Also, we've implemented a way for you to recover a password in the case you forget yours. On top of it all we have increased the security of how all of this is done and added some cool UI changes to the login screen.
  • History Request - If you scroll down to the last post of your Flux you will now see a button that allows you to request for older posts.
  • UI tweaks - We changed a lot of UI details throughout the entire app, most noticeably in the MainWindow (which is now "a bit" resizable).
  • Memory improvements - We've managed to reduce memory usage by quite a bit again. We are still not satisfied with the current usage, but we try to improve this on every other update.
  • Window startup option - In the Settings of our app you can now configure if you want the app to launch at Windows' startup.
  • Bug fixes - A lot of bug fixes, too many to mention... When we get all of our core features done, we'll start describing these in greater detail.

Next up we will release our Chat followed by the Sharing feature, stay tuned!